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巧虎 學習版是年度升級登場的9月到隔年8月  12個月的教材,學習版教材是專為大班(5~6歲孩子)的學習發展所設計規劃的教材,內容包含「主動思考」、「拼音閱讀」、「數理運用」、「知識探索」、「情緒品格」和「入學準備」等多元學習領域。每月讀本、教具和拼音/閱讀系列、益智挑戰書和貼紙,以及搭配影音媒材連動學習,輕鬆銜接108課綱,下半年還有入學準備系列學習內容,提前為上小學做好準備!


  • CiaoHu The learning edition textbook is specially designed and planned for the learning and development of large classes (children aged 5~6). "School Preparation" and other areas of study. Monthly reading books, teaching aids and pinyin/reading series, educational challenge books and stickers, as well as linked learning with audio-visual media, to easily connect to the 108 syllabus. In the second half of the year, there will be a series of learning content for entrance preparation to prepare for elementary school in advance !

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